Lawyers of CGV publish articles in Revista Jurídica de Seguros


Ilan Goldberg and Thiago Junqueira each published an article in edition 12 of Revista Jurídica de Seguros, published by the National Confederation of Insurers (CNSeg).

Ilan wrote the article “Notas sobre corrupção, ordem pública, ato de gestão e contrato de seguro D&O” [“Notes on corruption, public policy, management acts and D&O insurance contracts”], published on page 23 of the magazine. In the text, he explains, based on solid grounds, the absence of dialog between corruption and D&O insurance contracts, the reason being that corrupt acts, whether active or passive, do not deserve the protection given by this type of insurance, resulting singularly from the total lack of convergence between management acts and corruption.

In turn, Thiago wrote the article “Dilemas contemporâneos: os seguros privados e a cobertura das pandemias” [“Contemporary dilemmas: private insurance and coverages during pandemics”], published on page 65. In it he proposes a debate, in light of the Brazilian legal system, about whether events associated with the pandemic can be covered by insurance.

Click here to see the latest edition of Revista Jurídica de Seguros (in Portuguese).

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