CGV Advogados stands out for the broad array of legal talent and expertise of their team, which benefits the provision of comprehensive and pragmatic solutions combined to legal advice. In addition to our expertise, our strategic teams are also noted for ensuring full availability to our clients.

The strategic sector is responsible for the most sophisticated matters of CGV Advogados, either due to the amount in dispute, reputational risk, complexity of the matter, or due to its strategic nature, characterized by a reduced number of cases/areas per lawyer. We draft contracts, opinions and interpret administrative rules – a preventive work, in order to assist the continuous improvement of practices, routines and strategic decisions to be made by our customers, in addition to providing advice on audits.


CGV Advogados’ strategic healthcare team operates in the several segments of the healthcare market, covering the most varied profiles of business organizations, whether they are healthcare providers, health insurers, pharmaceutical industry, healthcare professionals, among others.

The advisory work is guided by the speed required for the urgencies the segment demands, as well as dedicated to the development of new business for its clients.

In a scenario of intense regulation, our professionals also help clients in new or consolidated businesses to adapt with legal certainty.

As for litigation, the team works by translating the complexity of the healthcare market to the courts, to prevent harmful judicialization.


The tax area of CGV Advogados advises companies and represents them in administrative and judicial litigation in all questions involving taxation.

In the area of consultation, the firm provides legal opinions based on the latest legislation, regulations and jurisprudence from the administrative and judicial courts, always with the aim of anticipating problems and preventing conflicts with the tax authorities. The firm supports clients in mergers and acquisitions and other corporate transactions, conducts due diligence to detect assets and liabilities involving taxation and to ascertain the tax effects of corporate arrangements.

In the litigation field, the firm has a strong practice representing clients in matters involving municipal, state and federal taxes at all administrative and judicial levels. It provides personalized support in tax audits, deficiency assessments and collection suits, as well as in actions filed by taxpayers for recognition of tax credits, annulment of undue assessments and tax liabilities of individuals (executives and partners of companies).


CGV Advogados has recognized experience before national courts, arbitral institutions and administrative bodies, contributing with sophisticated solutions to interdisciplinary litigation, involving insurance, banking law, investments, financial operations, contracts and corporate and capital market disputes.

The firm has a wide track-record in advising on high complexity divergences, seeking to offer customized, innovative and technically deep support. Litigation and arbitration are conducted by multidisciplinary teams, with high expertise and solid academic background, focused on the agile and effective resolution of practical disputes, depending on the best interest of the client and his business.



Combining mass litigation tools – traditional in the history of CGV Advogados – with the excellent academic training of the team, CGV Advogados supports clients in relevant litigation matters, be it due to the high amount at stake or the number of cases.

All the strategic litigation cases are managed directly by the firm’s senior partners, with experience to define strategies, meet with judges in chambers and define each step of each strategic case.


CGV Advogados has a team with extensive experience in the negotiation and drafting of contracts and other documents. From the preparation of confidentiality agreements to the revision of routine contracts, as well as negotiation and preparation of contracts with high complexity and economic or practical relevance, the firm is ready to render complete support in the area.

The lawyers in the contracts practice area assist clients, including startups and joint ventures, in the segments of infrastructure, engineering and construction (including EPC), services, insurance/reinsurance, banking, payment systems, high technology, transportation and leasing, among others.


CGV Advogados offers complete multidisciplinary solutions to startups in all phases of operation, regarding early stage, venture capital and private equity investments.

The firm provides support to the legalization of their operations in Brazil, in the areas of corporate law, contracts, labor law, consumer protection and data protection (General Data Protection Law – LGPD), through consulting and representation in litigation, offering integrated solutions including interface with banking and accounting services and other areas of operation.

The team of CGV Advogados has practical experience in seed investments and series A, B, C and D investment rounds, both by foreigners in Brazil and Brazilian entities abroad. We also support transactions involving offshore vehicles, and assist foreign companies with the regulatory and legal challenges faced in Brazil.


CGV Advogados’ banking area stands out for its performance in more sophisticated processes, either due to the amount in dispute, reputational risks, or due to the complexity of the matters.

In this segment, practices are focused not only on the discussion and development of theses, but also on advice, opinions, analysis and preparation of contracts and preventive follow-up before the Superior Courts.

CGV Advogados constantly acts in individual and collective suits, dealing not only with contractual matters, but also with issues related to the civil liability of banks, financial institutions, credit bureaus and fintechs in the most diverse situations. The experience, exclusive dedication and academic background of our lawyers may be perceived as an advantage, so much so that the banking area of the firm has been systematically awarded and recognized by specialized magazines and by our clients, who have considered it, for a long time, as one of the main leaders of their rankings.


The special causes and insurance and reinsurance consultancy sector are responsible for complex, regulatory, advisory and litigation demands. The service offered is distinguishable by its solid practical experience, obtained throughout 20 years, combined with a solid academic background.

The proposed legal solutions strive for efficiency, articulating legal arguments from conventional sources – i.e., insurance contracts – and from broader sources – civil law, obligations, corporate, capital markets etc. –, thus facilitating the dialogue with our clients, with the Judiciary branch, arbitration panels and also with the insured themselves.

CGV Advogados’ activities cover the most varied lines of insurance related to the so-called great risks, such as financial lines – D&O, E&O, EPL, among others –, insurance, property & casualty, civil liability, maritime, transport, energy, oil & gas, port operations, life, health, personal accidents, private pension, aeronautical risks, cyber risks etc.


CGV Advogados sponsors strategic demands before the Regional and Superior Courts, the Labor Prosecution Office, the Regional Labor Superintendence and the INSS (National Social Security Institute), with active participation in hearings and oral arguments throughout Brazil. This experience is reflected in the work of the strategic litigation and consulting area.

Our professionals have a solid academic background and are responsible for preparing opinions, internal corporate policies, whether linked to remuneration packages, profit-sharing plans, or regarding the review of programs related to the health and safety area, among others. They are well-developed in collective bargaining, conducting audits and creating a preventive labor strategy in general, while considering the applicable legislation and the updated positioning of court precedents.


CGV Advogados’ professionals work with relevant corporate law matters, mainly on the negotiation and implementation of operations for the acquisition and concentration of companies, the structuring of capital market operations, advice on the negotiation and execution of business contracts. We also offer specialized services in arbitration, corporate and business litigation, reorganization and bankruptcy.

Combining a deep practical understanding with a strong academic background, the provision of services is broad, thus enabling the delivery of complete solutions and adding even more efficiency to the activities of other strategic practices of the firm.

CGV Advogados is able to deal with a wide range of clients and operations, from the simplest to the most complex one, while maintaining its high quality and safety standards.


Our multidisciplinary team is specialized in company reorganization and debt recovery, which covers extrajudicial (business) and judicial (litigation) activities in industrial companies, as well as service and commercial providers in the most diverse sectors.

In order to defend the interests of creditors, CGV Advogados creates plans and strategies for the debt recovery in the face of companies in crisis, by offering legally secure and economically efficient solutions for the collection of the amounts involved.

When representing debtors, the firm’s activities are focused on strategy development, plan preparation and liaison with financial advisors with a view to recovering the company and overcoming the crisis scenario.

We organize structures for complex operations in corporate reorganizations, involving financing and other forms of investment in corporations with debts, as well as the acquisition, debt recovery and execution, representing creditors, debtors and other stakeholders.


The area of privacy and data protection was created before the enactment of the General Data Protection Act (DPA) in Brazil. Aware that most companies operating in the country would have to go through a process of adapting to the aforementioned law and that this work could only be done by highly qualified people, the firm anticipated the market, promoting internal training and hiring prominent names in the field.

The services provided by the data protection team include preparation and review of privacy policies, contracts executed with third parties (suppliers and partners) and data protection impact assessment (DPIA); training of clients’ employees and collaborators, aiming for the fulfillment of the rules established in the internal plan of compliance with the DPA and the mitigation of liability for occasional damages caused to data subjects; in addition to acting in the advisory and litigation areas (judicial and extrajudicial), related to the best data governance practices and how to act in cases of security incidents, such as the occurrence of information leaks.

Personalized and legally-based practices are important vectors for the development of this new strategic area of CGV Advogados, thus repeating the path of success employed by the other areas of the firm.


CGV Advogados operates in the most diverse areas of the real estate law, such as the purchase and sale of real estate, residential and commercial leases, advice on condominiums and property administrators, real estate developments and constructions, in addition to the active defense of large-sized companies and conglomerates in their real estate relations in general, in the resolution of conflicts related to rental revision and renewal actions, extinction of condominiums, possessions and claims.

Also, by relying on the expertise gained since the office was founded, we provide consultancy services for the approval of real estate projects before public agencies, review of contracts and drafting of condominium agreements, in addition to the development of defenses and administrative resources, including monitoring with the Register of Deeds and general register of public deeds.