Equity Partners

Rio de Janeiro / RJ; São Paulo / SP



​Priscila has bachelor, master and doctor of law degrees, in the last case with focus on civil law. She has extensive experience in the areas of civil and labor law, for which she has received recognition as one of Brazil’s leading lawyers by Análise Advocacia-500. She is the coordinator of the labor law team of the Special Causes and Consulting area. She joined CGV as a partner in 2012 in the merger with her previous firm.

​Bachelor of Law Degree from Bahia Federal University Law School.

Master of Law from the University of São Paulo (USP) Law School.

Doctor of Civil Law from Rio de Janeiro State University (UERJ) Law School.

ANÁLISE ADVOCACIA MULHER 2021 • Recognized in FIRST PLACE as the MOST ADMIRED LAWYER in the Labor area and in the State of Rio de Janeiro, with nomination in five sectors: Banks (2nd), Steel and Mining (2nd), Telecommunications (3rd), Consumer Products (3rd) and Construction Material and Decoration (4th).

Recommended by Análise Advocacia-500 for outstanding work in the area of labor law in 2015 to 2020.

Professor at the Institute of Civil Law (IDC), part of Rio de Janeiro State University Law School, in the Postgraduate Program in Constitutional Law, 2009 and 2010.

Instructor at Getulio Vargas Foundation Law School of Rio de Janeiro, in the discipline “Litigation”, 2010.

Instructor at Getulio Vargas Foundation Law School of Rio de Janeiro in the discipline “Insurance and Reinsurance”, 2010.

Instructor in the insurance law course of the in-company university of Bradesco Seguros & Previdência in the discipline “Insurance Contracts

General Part – Damage Insurance – Insurance of Persons – Reinsurance and Health Insurance)”, Rio de Janeiro and São Paulo, July to September 2009.

​Member of the Brazilian Bar Association, Rio de Janeiro and São Paulo State Chapters

Ação Civil Pública: alguns aspectos controvertidos – limitação geográfica, destinação da indenização e termo a quo da multa cominatória. In: Procedimentos Especiais Coletivos. Coordenação Carolina Tupinambá. São Paulo: LTr, p. 261 a 268, 2015.

Locação de Serviços X Prestação de Serviços: evolução jurisprudencial. In: Diálogos entre o Direito do Trabalho. Coordenadores Gustavo Tepedino, Luiz Philippe Vieira de Mello Filho, Ana Frazão, Gabriela Neves Delgado. São Paulo: Revista dos Tribunais, vol.1, p.  373 a 387, 2013.

Regulation and Arbitration in the Brazilian Insurance/Reinsurance Market”. ARIAS U.S. Quarterly, 3rd Quarter 2013. Ilan Goldberg and Priscila Fichtner. Disponível em

Insurance Contract Law between Business Law and Consumer Protection. Helmut Heiss (Ed.). St. Gallen: Dike Zurich, 2012. Priscila Mathias de Morais Fichtner, Tomaz Tavares de Lyra and Marcela Levy. Questionaire BRAZIL, p. 117/ 144.