Read the newsletters and other informative texts prepared by the team of CGV Advogados on the main developments in the firm’s practice areas.

CGV Advogados and its practitioners have received many awards and distinctions over the years. See the latest awards received!

Since our foundation in 2000, we have worked to practice law in an ethical, efficient and responsible manner! We believe in cooperation, meritocracy, integrity and honesty, dedication and determination.

Solid Relationships, Innovative Solutions

Chalfin, Goldberg & Vainboim Advogados was founded in 2000 by professionals dedicated to embracing new challenges, committing to their clients and with the mission of ensuring creative solutions to each legal matter with which they were entrusted.


Since the foundation of CGV Advogados, it has been active in both high-volume and strategic law practices.

In the high-volume law segment, all administrative work is delegated to a team of paralegals, with lawyers exclusively dedicated to the analysis and preparation of cases. Thus, registration, agreements, closings, among other “middle activities,” are performed by the support team. Everything is organized through an operating belt, supported by standardized workflow for the entire firm.

Strategic law practice is responsible for the most sophisticated processes of CGV Advogados, whether due to the amount in dispute, reputational risk, complexity of the matter, or due to its strategic nature, characterized by a reduced number of cases distributed to lawyers with a solid academic background.




A solidariedade está no DNA do brasileiro e dessa vez não seria diferente. Todo o time do CGV Advogados se uniu ao povo gaúcho e […]


laudio Luiz de Miranda Bastos Filho, sócio do Chalfin, Goldberg & Vainboim Advogados, atuou como jurado na LegalTech Startup Competition. Esta competição visa identificar e […]


Thiago Junqueira e Renato Chalfin, sócios do Chalfin, Goldberg & Vainboim Advogados, serão palestrantes no 1° Congresso de Direito da ESA RJ, uma iniciativa conjunta […]

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Contact Us

Rio de Janeiro / RJ

Av. Pres. Wilson, nº 231 - 26º andar
Centro - CEP 20030-905
Tel. 55.21.3970-7200

São Paulo / SP

Al. Min. Rocha Azevedo, nº 38 - 8º andar
Cerqueira César - CEP 01410-000
Tel. 55.11.3528-7350

Vitória / ES

Av. NSra. dos Navegantes, nº 955 - Salas 605/606
Enseada do Suá - CEP 29050-335
Tel. 55.27.3334-1150

Curitiba / PR

Rua Padre Anchieta, nº 2285
Salas 803-804-805-806

Bigorrilho - CEP 80730-000
Tel. 55.41.3051-6100